Pisces Season 2023
Hello Pisces Season
On February 18, 2023, at 5:34 PM EST, the Sun leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces. After mature and sobering conjunction with Saturn in the last degrees of Aquarius, the Sun will begin its month-long journey through the mutable waters of the Fishes sign. This is the 12th and final phase of the astrological year — a time of endings, completion, and preparation for the next cycle to come.
Two days later, on February 20th, we’ll have a New Moon at 1º Pisces. With Saturn still in the neighborhood at 28º Aquarius, the weight and heaviness of this current time are still palpable, and it may cast a long shadow on this entire lunation cycle. There’s a note of caution here, a need to be patient, respect the process, and allow for all things to unfold in due time.
Love Armor
On the same day, Venus in Pisces makes a harmonious sextile to Pluto in Capricorn. Having recently made the harrowing journey to Pluto’s underworld on New Year’s Day, Venus has since been reborn and had some time to reorient and integrate the intensity of that depth encounter.
Hopefully, we’ve all had a chance to integrate the deeper insights into the matters of the heart that we’ve been contemplating over the past few weeks. We’ve also been reassessing what it is we deeply value, allowing us to eliminate things that are out of alignment with our highest self.
As Venus leaves behind the gentle, artistic, and spiritually-minded waters of Pisces, she now must brace herself for her three-week journey through Mars-ruled Aries. It’s a time of rugged exile for the goddess of love, so she must put on her protective armor and shield her vulnerable heart from the aggressive environment of this challenging part of the sky. As a result, our love and relationships will be tested, as the lure of new adventures and a need for freedom and independence might overwhelm our more codependent tendencies.
Speak In Freak
On February 22nd, Mercury in Aquarius makes a challenging square to Uranus in Taurus, while at the same time making a harmonious trine with Mars in Gemini. This is a complex configuration that will certainly supercharge our minds, energize our desire to communicate our uniqueness, and stimulate the expression of our individuality.
Some very interesting conversations are likely to occur under this aspect, and some surprising announcements within our media channels are likely to suddenly appear, perhaps related to political, military or environmental issues — or some strange combination of all three.
Big-time Healing
On March 2nd, Venus joins Jupiter & Chiron in Aries. At its best, this could be the signature for some big-time healing to begin. But Venus in Aries can also be about “tough love,” so we should also prepare for the more wounded side of Chiron to manifest as well with this transit, with Jupiter only serving to magnify the heartache.
On a more personal note, this Venus contact could inspire each of us to consider a kinder, gentler, and more holistic approach to our own self-care, especially as a proactive measure to compensate for the shortcomings of the public healthcare system and its strictly allopathic approaches. This is embracing Chiron as the shamanic self-healer working in harmony with the natural rhythms of Mother Nature.
Shifting Seas
On March 7th, Saturn moves into Pisces on the same day as the Virgo Full Moon, which feels like a fitting inauguration to this next 2 ½ year phase in Saturn’s cycle. The Virgo Full Moon is square Mars and trine Uranus, so all the previously discussed energy of the month gets channeled into this transit.
Saturn has been transiting its own signs (Capricorn and Aquarius) for the past 5 years. Which is why this period of recent history has felt particularly saturnian: limits, restrictions, difficulties, suffering, losses. Now, as Saturn moves into the mutable waters of Pisces, there will be a loosening of the reins — for better or worse.
Because sometimes, Saturn’s rules & limits, laws & boundaries, are actually quite helpful and productive. When Saturn’s restrictions are lifted, there will be a powerful sense of relief and a palpable taste of freedom reclaimed. And yes, that will feel pretty darn good for a while. We’ll all get a much needed reprieve from the heaviness of these times.
But there’s a flip side to this coin, which is confusion, deceit, chaos and deception. With Saturn in Pisces, boundaries tend to dissolve and structures tend to collapse. Our judgment gets clouded, our beliefs get mistaken for truth, and our fantasies get mistaken for reality. We’ll be more susceptible to delusional thinking, and in the name of peace and love, we might unwittingly lose things of real merit and value.
This is likely to be a period of great unwinding. Combined with the end of the Pluto in Capricorn period, this Saturn transit through Pisces will likely feel like a collective mourning for the modern world we are leaving behind. All the structures, systems, and hierarchies that have been built up over the past 400 years — the very foundations of our modern, global infrastructure — are about to metamorphosize into an entirely new and unproven paradigm.
Change is necessary. Change is the only constant in the universe. We are coming under intense evolutionary pressures. But such transitions are never easy. These are inevitably very bumpy rides. And if you’re not prepared for such a sea change, you’re vulnerable to being swept up in the massive wave, pulled in the undertow, and left helplessly adrift in an ocean of confusion, uncertainty and doubt.
This will invoke a strong fear response in a vast number of human beings. Many will be overwhelmed by a sense that their very survival is at stake, a feeling that the world as they know it is about to be lost forever. So they will fight tooth & nail to resist the changes that they cannot accept or understand. And they will search for a redeeming savior — someone strong and powerful who will restore the dignity of the past and protect them from the uncertainty of a chaotic future.
This is part of the reason that there’s a palpable specter of authoritarianism amongst those who are paying close attention to the political machinations of the world. And Pluto’s ingress into Aquarius will only amplify this potential. Much is made of the Aquarian qualities touting progressive reform, egalitarian idealism, and the fellowship of all humanity. Which is certainly in the cards for us if we play our collective hand right.
But many in the various new age communities seem willfully blind to the other side of the Aquarius paradox: a cold, detached, technocratic extremism. This is the world of transhumanism and singularity. And if you think it’s all so much science fiction, think again.
In a culture predominated by scientific rationalism, we have fostered blind faith in technology to solve all the world’s problems, while simultaneously failing to acknowledge that today’s problems are the unexpected consequences of our previous technologies, which solved previous problems. We are caught up in a dangerous game of escalation, and the current complexities of all the world’s interdependent systems are proving terribly fragile.
With the simultaneous shift of Saturn into Pisces and Pluto into Aquarius, these issues are about to be made painfully obvious over the next 2 ½ years. So be aware, and prepare yourself accordingly. How are you planning to handle the Saturn in Pisces energy?
While the illusion is real, the deeper spiritual truths are also glaringly self-evident at this time. Learn to look at the world with new eyes. Soften your focus and broaden your peripheral vision. And learn to trust not just your mental intelligence, but your intuitive, spiritual, and emotional intelligence as well.
Now more than ever, those with spiritual vision are being called to step into their inner authority. Others will be turning to you for help and guidance. Love, kindness, and compassion are the tools of the gentle warrior. Lead by example, and show others the way.
Soul Alignment
Pisces Season 2023 will culminate with the Sun and Mercury joining Neptune at 25º Pisces on March 16th. This watery conjunction offers us the possibility to align the Self with the Soul. This is a glimpse behind the veil, an opportunity for deeply knowing who we are, why we’re here, and how we’re all connected in one cosmic ocean. It’s a chance to profoundly express our creativity, manifest our dreams, and share our sense of enchantment with the world.
But all that peace and tranquility may be rudely interrupted by a harsh square from Mars in Gemini. Our meditative bliss gets perturbed by an endless stream of noise and distracted by the superficial affairs of the mundane world. Yet, if we can tune out the incessant noise and focus on the universal signal, we might find ourselves divinely inspired. And we could all use a lot more of that right now!
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