Magic in the Air with NEW MOON in Pisces




Pisces NewMoon is an opportunity to allow Magic to enter your life!

There is a sense of magic and anticipation in the air, as we are collectively about to embark on a new journey into a whole new paradigm as one of the biggest shifts since years is about to take place when both Saturn and Pluto change signs.

New Moons are a time of new beginnings and a time to set new intentions and since this is the last New Moon before Saturn moves into Pisces from March 7th until May 2025, intentions now set hold a special power.

The magic in new beginnings is truly the most powerful of them all.

This New Moon is a cosmic phenomenon, a pure celebration of love and magic.

A gateway is opening up, a portal to the very source of unconditional love, peace, and tranquility as the Moon, Sun, Neptune, and Venus all in the ethereal sign of Pisces, are creating pure magic to help make dreams come true.

So wish upon a star and let the magic happen.

There’s real power now in visualizing your hopes and dreams, and in believing that they’ll come to fruition. We’re co-creators with the universe, imagining our lives into being. And it’s a mysterious, beautiful ride.

Perhaps more than ever, we are able to manifest our dreams into practical reality as Saturn in Aquarius now in his last phase, was conjoined to the Sun in Aquarius this past week, helping us to build solid foundations by seeing the truth as it is and letting go of our delusions.

This may have meant a hard reality check for some, perhaps even a shock and yet it enables us to build a new life on solid ground so that no matter what comes our way, we can be unshakable while honoring the values of Aquarius, one of being true to our unique self by living a life based on inner and outer freedom.

This is a time of great transformation as Pluto in Capricorn is at the last and critical degree of 29 called the Anaretic degree. It represents a culmination of Pluto’s last 15 years in the sign of Capricorn before changing signs into Aquarius on the 23rd of march.

Its the ending of a journey where we have been deeply transformed and ultimately reclaimed our power as we have learned the lessons of resilience and self mastery.


For many, this can mean major endings and new beginnings.

The New Moon helps us flow more easily with this transition as Venus and Neptune are conjoined together in Pisces, a combination that can make miracles happen. Together they are lighting up the path ahead, with a real promise of better things to come, giving us the gift of optimism and hope, whatever our current situation may be, and helping us to see the bigger picture.

To let go of what we can’t control and trust that the Universe ultimately has a bigger plan for our highest good even if it doesn’t seem immediately apparent.

Hope sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible.

Venus conjoined to Neptune is romantic and a fated karmic combination, people and even new loves can enter our lives that feel “destined” as some karmic relationships are being released and new ones enter our lives to help us to evolve to the next level of our journey.

Venus and Neptune hold great power to heal with love and forgive and Jupiter now conjoined to Chiron the wounded healer in Aries also makes this a time of rapid healing.

We have the power to activate the inner Shaman/ healer in us all, the part of you that connects directly to the true source of the universe. Who teaches us how to stop living from the ego, and start loving our true, authentic self.

Who, intuitively knows where our mind, body, and spirit need healing and which path to take, that will take us to the next evolutionary level of our development? Helping us to reclaim our lost power to heal, see the truth, and fulfill our purpose in life.

We can tap into the place within, the greater, wiser self that knows no fears, or worries, but is infinite and boundless.

Do not feel lonely, the entire universe is inside you.” –Rumi

For those who are currently experiencing major endings, separation, or loss of love, this new moon can help us come back home to ourselves and the love within connected to the divine that we always had. We are never empty.

This is the time of your most beautiful Transformation,

Something very beautiful happens to people when their world’s fallen apart: a humility, a nobility, a higher intelligence emerges at just the point when our knees hit the floor.”

— Marianne Williamson





The Dream Team

Regarding the mutable signs, your modality should feel this lunation potently.

Out of all of the zodiac placements, this lunar event will create scenarios that call you to action. But, even though there are complex transits present at the time of this lunation, there are still some sweet spots for your signs.


Hey, Pisces, this fresh lunar cycle is your time to shine!!

A New Moon in your sign means this is a time to think about what you would like to improve upon regarding focusing on yourself, working on body goals, and taking more initiative so you can achieve and learning how to do your own thing.

If you’ve wanted to start working on your appearance, this could be a period of finally taking action on ways to look your best according to your personal standards. Body goals are different for everyone, so this will be a time when you focus on your own image of what is beautiful.

Another thing that could come up over the next 6 months is working on how you take action on your goals. Therefore, this is an opportunity to become self-motivated, so you’re no longer sitting on the sidelines regarding your aims.

And, even though you’re the type that needs their alone time, this could usher in a phase when you’re tired of waiting around on others, so you initiate ways to do things on your own.

In other words, you’re always accommodating to others and waiting on them rather than tending to your needs. Therefore, this will help you begin the process of looking out for yourself more.


A lunar event in your opposing sign opens the door to fresh starts regarding close relationships, fairness, and incorporating more temperate conditions in your life.

Virgo, this is a time of fresh starts regarding unions. In other words, it will be essential for you to cultivate tight-knit bonds with people who are already in your life and to add some new individuals who will become a big part of your universe. These will include friendships, networking partners, and opening the door for a serious relationship.

Fairness is also something that you will work on because it’s finally time for you to incorporate more balance in your life.

Over this period, your focus goes on ways to have more peace in your life. In other words, you’ll be determined to distance yourself from things, situations, or people who create discord in your world. So, creating harmony will be a must for you.


For you, Gemini, this New Moon marks a period where your focus goes on your career, reputation, and having more authority in your life.

The way this lunar event connects with you, it’s a time to take the steps necessary to shine in your chosen field. Through this period, you will feel more energized than ever to build something solid regarding your career.

Because this Moon is activating your ambitious side, you’ll also be concerned about how you’re seen in terms of Klout. So, this could be a period to ensure your portfolio is polished; that way, you show off the skills you mastered.

Also, this is an excellent time to build up a good reputation. So, this could look like revamping your social media to create a pristine public image. Additionally, you might build up a better rep at work by taking on task that get your foot in the door or lending a helping hand in a way that wins everyone over.


Sagittarius, this is a period to start a better cycle regarding your home, personal life, and familial relations, which comes up as a result of this Pisces New Moon.

With the way this lunation is aspecting you, it’s a period to start a new phase of ensuring your personal life is rock solid. This could be when you’re more concerned with making sure you’re just as secure in your career as you are with emotions and the people you’re close with.

Creating a better living space will also be important to you. So, some of your focus will go on beautifying your home and ensuring the vibes are excellent. Or, it could be a time to look at a new place because the abode you’re currently living in doesn’t give you a sense of sanctuary.

For you, Sagittarius, this is a time to take the necessary steps to ensure your life is set up in a way that offers you inner security. Hence, this will also be a time to create an environment that fosters secure emotions.

False Awakening Dreams

For Leo and Libra, your new start might seem blurry initially, but eventually, you’ll find your way. The key to creating something fresh in this energy is moving past blind spots that prevent you from forward movement.


A New Moon in the sign of the tethered fish will allow you to kickstart things regarding financial matters, deepen a close union, and understand complex knowledge.

Even though this Moon is connecting with you in a way where you might not feel as clear, you’ll still get to where you need to regarding forward movement. This could be a time to build your finances back up after a stressful time and get back on track with paying things off.

Over this time, you’ll feel more focused on connecting deeply in a romantic relationship. So, if you’re single, this could be when you’re meeting someone who has substance and also wants something committed. For those in a relationship, this will allow you to deepen intimacy and affirm commitments.

Because of how this lunar event is aligned with you, it’s also a period to gain a deeper understanding of your own psychology. So, you could use this time to heal from things that prevented transformation in your life. Also, you might find solace in learning something intricate and researching fascinating topics.


Libra, this fresh lunar cycle will help you start a period of growth with work, perfecting your skills and your regimen.

Although you might not know where to begin and feel like you’re at a shaky starting point, you’ve got this, Libra. This is your time to get things moving for you regarding your job, so it will be a period to make progress with work that leads to better opportunities.

Over this period, you’ll incorporate practices that allow you to hone your skills, so you can become more of an expert in a specific niche.

And this is a time to get back on track routine-wise. Even if it seems like a scattered start, don’t stop trying until you get to a place where your schedule is back on track because it will pay off. As a result, you’ll be able to fix your regimen and start feeling less sluggish.

Abstract REM Scenarios

Aries and Aquarius, this lunar event will seem like it’s more passive, causing you to go to the deepest parts of your subconscious to find the best way to take action.


A Pisces New Moon will help you start something fresh by connecting with your intuition, learning to believe in yourself again, and working on what you’d like to manifest.

Aries, this is a time for you to be more introspective, allowing you to pay attention to what’s going on in your inner world. By doing this, you’ll be able to focus on your intuitive side, which will help you build up better psychic abilities.

Even though most put your sign in the category of being overly self-assured, your confidence in your abilities has fluctuated. So, this will be a period to focus inwardly to heal the situations causing a lack of faith in yourself.

Once the two items above are back on track, you’ll be able to focus your intentions on the life you want to manifest for yourself.


For you, Aquarius, this opening lunar cycle in Pisces will allow you to contemplate how to work on your earnings, build up self-worth, and ensure your life is less turbulent.

Although you will see results later, this is an opportunity to formulate an action plan about your earnings that you can initiate down the line. In other words, through this period, you’ll be looking at ways to increase your income and other alternatives in terms of your career.

You happen to be another sign that most associate with self-assurance, but there have been scenarios causing you to have more doubt than typical. So, this will be a time to get back to where you were regarding your self-esteem. Also, the activities you’ll be participating in through this phase will bring back your sense of worthiness and about receiving validation of your value.

And you’re at a point where you need things to be easier, so you’ll be taking a more harmonious stance because you’re over tumultuous behavior from others.

Cool Lucid Dreams

The Earth signs Taurus and Capricorn could parlay this New Moon into something magical for themselves. Your signs can move through some of these energies easily, and feel motivated to kick off a New Pisces phase in your life.


Taurus, this fresh lunation in Pisces offers you a new start regarding friendships, getting out of your comfort zone, plus pursuing something you’ve been hoping for, such as aspirations.

Because of how this Moon aligns with your chart, you’ll feel ready to open up a fresh chapter regarding friendships. So, this could be a time to connect with the people who offer true camaraderie. Also, this could usher in a time when you’re making connections with those who will become good friends one day.

If you’ve wanted to shake things up healthily, this could be when you take steps to get out of a stale period. So, you develop innovative new ways to get out of dry spells, start being more active, and see your social situations become livelier.

Speaking of being active, this will also be a period to become more pursuitful regarding the things you dream about. In other words, some of the hopes and wishes you fixate on might become a reality because you’re ready to start acting on these aims.


A lunar event such as this offers you a new start regarding connecting with your youthful side, communicating, and soaking up what your city has to offer.

Although your sign gets lumped into an overly serious category, you guys know how to have a good time. So, this could be a period where you’re reconnecting with your inner teenager and returning to things that brought you joy and tons of laughs.

A lunation like this is connecting to a social part of your chart, so this will be a period of being chattier than typical. You could be interested in becoming more gregarious because you’re wanting to be out there more, connect with friends, and establish new relationships.

And because this is a time to let your adventurous and curious side run wild, you’ll feel more down than typical to explore your city.

A Day Dreamers Experience

Water signs, your active imagination should help you dream up the perfect path for yourselves. This fresh Piscean cycle will allow you to set intentions that blossom into something extraordinary for yourselves.


For you, Cancer, this lunation will help you kickstart something fresh regarding broadening your perspective, travel, and shooting your shot.

With this lunar event happening in the higher intellect portion of your chart, this could be a time to explore different perspectives. In other words, you’ll feel more open than typical to understand broad topics and things that go beyond your own scope of the world.

Another cool thing is that this opens your mind up to the possibilities of travel. So, this could be when you’re looking at ways to get out of your element more, see new places, and make it a habit to visit faraway destinations. If physical travel isn’t in the plans, you could explore through journeys of the mind, like escaping through books and immersive docuseries.

And this will connect you with your more optimistic side allowing you to take more chances and go after things you usually hesitate about.


And last but never least, Scorpio.

A lunar event in Pisces will be just what you need to kick off something new regarding tapping into your creativity, romance and leading a more leisurely life.

Because of how this Moon aligns in your chart, you’ll feel more tapped into your talents. As a result, you could uncover some hidden skills and creativity that have been dormant.

A lunar event like this could usher in dreamy romantic experiences. So, if you’re single, this could be a period of meeting those with whom you have a spiritual connection and amorous individuals. For those in relationships, this could be a time of connecting on a soul level, experiencing intimacy that seems otherworldly, and escaping healthily with one another.

Lastly, Scorpio, you require some fun and antics. So, this is a time to get out more, do something active, and look for exhilarating things to take part in.

Have a wonderful Pisces New Moon, everyone!!!


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