EMOTIONAL ACCEPTANCE with the first FULL MOON of the Year.


The first Moon of 2023 is an opportunity for tremendous emotional acceptance and release.

The Full Moon occurs On January 6th, in the sign of its rulership — Cancer. This is the first Moon of 2023 and the first Moon since the darkness of the Winter Solstice, so be prepared to really feeel your way through this Moon.

Full Moons are times of emotional release and letting go. They represent the culmination of our efforts, goals, and natural cycles. Because this Moon is in the watery sign of Cancer, we’re encouraged to dive inward into the untouched emotional pool within.

I say “untouched” because, though Cancer is a water sign, they are notorious for bottling up their emotions. Like the Crab, they have a hardened exterior and a fleshy interior. As long as their facade is in place, the outside world has little to no knowledge of the internal battle waging within.

So, because this Moon takes place in a very empathetic sign that struggles to embrace its own hardships, we may have some muck drifting up to the surface of our subconscious, desperately trying to push through into conscious awareness.





The theme of this Moon is acknowledgment — an acknowledgment of the pain you carry and the fear of expressing the emotion within.

The first step in taking action is acknowledging there is action to be taken. Accepting the emotional well within will lead to realization and correct action.

Aspects to the Planets

This Moon is making some challenging aspects to the major planetary players right now. The Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Cancer are sitting at 16 degrees directly opposite each other. The axis of your roots (Cancer) and your legacy (Capricorn) are compelling you to evaluate how your upbringing or beginnings have shaped your sense of self. In particular, how childhood wounds and experiences have played a role in shaping our self-expression.

The Moon is also squaring Chiron in Aries, alluding more to childhood issues coming to the surface in a very in-your-face, Martian kind of way. The Moon is also opposite Mercury, retrograding in Capricorn, making it more difficult for us to express the emotions coming to the surface at this time. The Moon also opposes Pluto in Capricorn, showing a power struggle within or emotionally driven conflict with others.

Okayy, so all that sounds like doom and gloom, and honestly, for some, it may be. I don’t say this to spook you, but highly sensitive people may feel like they’ve been punched in the gut by the waves of nostalgia this Moon brings. I know I’m already starting to feel the urge to run from the emotional downpour headed my way in the next two days.

Buutttt, there are some redeeming aspects that balance out the internal struggle created by the configurations of the planets. The Moon is making a harmonious aspect (sextile) to Uranus and the North Node of destiny in Taurus. This energy will allow us to push through this emotionally draining time and be open to new ideas that will move us toward growth.

Lastly, the Moon is trining Neptune in its domicile sign — Pisces. This harmonious aspect provides an easy flow of energy that wraps a warm blanket around our swollen and bruised hearts, encouraging us to dream of a brighter future despite past hurts inflicted upon us by others or even ourselves by the denial of our own emotional validity.

A Heart’s A Heavy Burden

When I think of this Moon, I envision the energetic outcome to be that of the ending of Howl’s Moving Castle. If you’re unfamiliar, Howl is a wizard whose heart was taken from him as a child. He’s matured without a heart, so at the end of the movie, when Howl’s heart is returned to him, it’s still the heart of a child — frantically beating and fluttering, feeling deeply, and not quite comprehending all that it’s feeling.

Howl groans and says he feels terrible like a weight is on his chest after his heart is replaced. Sophie responds, “A heart’s a heavy burden.” I’m nearly brought to tears by this recollection of Hayao Miyazaki’s great work and relation to this Moon.

A heart is, indeed, a heavy burden but also the most blessed of gifts. This Moon is a return to our hearts, despite the burden feeling things deeply may bring. Don’t run from that which seeks to be felt.

Sometimes emotions demand to be felt even, and who are we to deny them their freedom of expression? Who are you to deny yourself expression? Certainly, the master of your undoing if that’s the case.

Though this Moon may be challenging for some, the bright side is once Mars and Mercury station direct in mid-January, we’ll finally start to see the healing that took place during this Moon. Right now, the planetary forces are too stuck in the past for us to see the light at the end of the tunnel but trust me, it’s there! You just have to continue sifting through the mud and eventually you’ll have stumbled on the diamond within.

Please check on your Cancer and cardinal sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) friends, as they’ll feel this energy the most. But also check on your Cancer friends anyways. We often don’t know their internal struggles because they don’t like to make them known.

They’re the sign of unconditional motherly love, which shows in how they neglect themselves despite taking excellent care of their loved ones. Seriously, go out of your way to ask because they will not speak up.

Here’s a little kiss on the forehead to all my Cancer babies.

You are seen, felt, and heard despite your silence. Continue illuminating every space you step into with your kindness, care, and sensitivity.

Happy Full Moon!


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