SHINNING A LIGHT on Renewal with the first NEW MOON of the Year.
The first NewMoon of 2023 is an opportunity to Shining a Light on Renewal
The New Moon is a time of new beginnings and fresh starts; when it’s conjunct Pluto, it brings a powerful energy of transformation and rebirth. This is a time when we can let go of old patterns and habits that no longer serve us and embrace new ways of being.
Pluto is the planet of transformation, and it can bring up deep-seated emotions and reveal hidden truths. So during this New Moon, we may feel a sense of intensity as we’re forced to confront and release old traumas and negative patterns.
It’s important to remember that this is a time of growth and renewal. As we let go of old patterns, we open ourselves up to new possibilities and opportunities. Use this energy to your advantage: reflect on your life, think about what you want to change, and create a plan to make it happen. It’s a great time to start new projects, set new goals, and make some changes in your life.
Aquarius is known as the sign of the water-bearer, and it’s associated with innovation, progress, and forward-thinking. This New Moon in Aquarius is a powerful time to focus on your goals and aspirations and think abortively about the impact of how you can post the world.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed, remember to take care of yourself. Practice self-care and self-compassion.
Trust that this is a necessary process and that you’ll come out stronger and more resilient on the other side. With ALL planets soon direct until April, it’s time to determine what to keep and what let go — so nothing can stall your progress toward health, wealth, love, and perfect self-expression.
To see which life area is being catalyzed for a new beginning this New Moon, determine where 1 degree of Aquarius falls in your astrological chart; to see which life area you’ll be transforming, find where 29 degrees of Capricorn is in your chart. Likewise, read the horoscope for your sign and/or rising sign below.
ARIES: The New Moon in Aquarius will transit your Eleventh House of Hopes, Friendship, and Community; this is an opportunity to plant seeds for new beginnings when it comes to your dreams, community, and friends. Go for those shiniest apples on the tree and find those people who can help you achieve your aims along the way. With Pluto finishing up its transit in your Tenth House of Status, there’s unfinished business about your career: Consider what in your professional life needs to be transformed or released for your empowerment. With a stronger framework in place professionally, you’ll be in better stead to achieve your highest aspirations. It’s time to be a practical dreamer.
TAURUS: The New Moon in Aquarius will transit your Tenth House of Career; this is an opportunity to plant seeds for professional success and advancement. What’s the next level you want to reach professionally? What do you want to contribute or be known for? With Pluto finishing up its transit in your Ninth House of Expansion, something about your belief system and general outlook on life may need to be revised; make sure your beliefs about what you can do align with your ambitions. Further, Pluto’s transit may be about higher education. Consider if any learning could give you a leg up in your career. Likewise, publishing or broadcast could give you more cred as you advance up the mountain.
GEMINI: The New Moon in Aquarius will transit your Ninth House of Expansion; this is an opportunity to plant seeds for growth. You may opt to change your mindset or broaden your horizons; this could be through foreign travel, higher education, or spirituality. Likewise, this transit is great for sharing more of yourself with the world, via publishing, broadcast, teaching, etc. With Pluto finishing up its transit in your Eighth House, you’re in good stead to share with others — through sex, joint enterprises, etc. — for further empowerment. Pluto transiting your Eighth House may also be urging you to release any unhealthy dependencies on others, and to let go of any blocks to financial wellness and intimacy.
CANCER: The New Moon in Aquarius will transit your Eighth House of Rebirth; this is an opportunity to plant seeds for empowerment through others. Perhaps you’re ready to join forces with another for deeper intimacy; likewise, you may wish to collaborate with another on a joint enterprise. This transit is all about letting go, so you may be urged to let something die that’s gone on for too long. With Pluto finishing up its transit in your Seventh House of Partnerships, power now rests on transforming your relationships; perhaps you’ll take a relation to the next level or send someone on their merry way. Consider how your partnerships (or lack thereof) empower or disempower you and adjust accordingly.
LEO: The New Moon in Aquarius will transit your Seventh House of Partnerships; this is an opportunity to plant seeds for your relationships. Do you want your relationship to be more than it is now? Or are you ready to find an ideal personal or professional partner? Decide and set your intentions! Pluto is finishing up its transit in your Sixth House of Lifestyle, so it’s time to look at how your day-to-day regimen is empowering or disempowering you. Are there some habits you’d like to break, or perhaps some new ones you should implement for more wellness? There seems to be a link between changing your daily lifestyle and allowing your personal and professional relationships to better thrive.
VIRGO: The New Moon in Aquarius will transit your Sixth House of Lifestyle; this is an opportunity to plant new seeds for better health, work, and daily activities. If you’re ready for a new job or gig, now would be the time to apply. Likewise, if there’s some habits you want to break or new ones you want to implement, make moves over the next two weeks. With Pluto finishing up its transit in your Fifth House, you’re changing your attitudes about romance, creativity, and what brings you joy. Perhaps there’s something (or someone) that no longer punches your ticket, and you’re ready to move on. Or maybe there’s something (or someone!) you feel very passionate about. If so, make moves toward your bliss!
LIBRA: The New Moon in Aquarius will transit your Fifth House of Pleasure; this is an opportunity to plant new seeds for more fun, romance, and creative self-expression. Perhaps you’re ready to get back in the race again when it comes to dating; likewise, there may be a new passion or hobby you’re ready to throw yourself into. With Pluto finishing up its transit in your Fourth House, key to your empowerment now is your emotional security: What needs to change for you to feel more at home within the self? Since the Fourth House pertains to home and family, consider what changes you can make on the home-front to get more comfy, or what resentments you might release for more solace and inner peace.
SCORPIO: The New Moon in Aquarius will transit your Fourth House of Emotional Security; this is an opportunity to plant new seeds for deeper self-trust and inner peace. Since the Fourth House pertains to home and family, you may be ready for changes on the home-front, i.e., redecorating, finding a new abode, etc. Likewise, a fresh start with family could be on the horizon. With Pluto finishing up its transit in your Third House, you’re changing how you communicate with yourself and others. Perhaps you need to improve your self-talk, or communicate your feelings to others with more clemency and compassion. Let go of the thoughts that feel bad for a fresh start in 2023! You always have the power to see differently.
SAGITTARIUS: The New Moon in Aquarius will transit your Third House of Communications; this is an opportunity to plant new seeds pertaining to your communications, including where you go regularly and your community. Consider what’s going to refresh and excite your mind to keep things interesting in 2023. With Pluto finishing up its transit in your Second House of Resources, you’re in the process of transforming and empowering your finances, self-worth, and self-expression. It’s a great time to explore your latent talents and skills to increase your self-worth and income. In fact, if there’s a class you think you might enjoy, now’s a great time to start learning. Follow your excitement and start thinking in new, fresh ways!
CAPRICORN: The New Moon in Aquarius will transit your Second House of Finances; this is an opportunity to plant new seeds pertaining to money, your talents/skills, and your overall sense of self-worth. If you’re looking to make more money, consider what new skills you can bring to the table to justify a raise or start a new side hustle. With Pluto nearing the end of its transit in your sign, you’ve gone through significant shifts since 2008. Take stock of how far you’ve come, and consider how else you might reclaim your personal power and transform yourself in light of your goals. Take good care of your body and maybe splurge on some treatments and threads — it’s easier to manifest a million bucks when you feel like a million bucks.
AQUARIUS: The New Moon in Aquarius will transit your First House of Identity; this is an opportunity for a brand new life chapter — so plant as many new seeds as possible! Come March, Pluto will be in your sign. This once-in-a-lifetime transit will give you the wherewithal to maximum your creative potential. For now, Pluto is finishing up its transit in your Twelfth House of the Subconscious, so you’re tasked with ridding yourself of any beliefs and patterns that obstruct your goals. You can’t accomplish something that you can’t see yourself accomplishing, so consider what you want and see yourself getting it! This isn’t the time to play small — think big and go after those shiniest apples on the tree!
PISCES: The New Moon in Aquarius will transit your Twelfth House of the Subconscious; now’s an opportunity to quiet down your mind and plant seeds in your brain that you want to see manifest! We get what we concentrate on (there’s no other main rule) so keep your eyes on the prize! It’s also a great time to connect with your higher self through journaling, meditation, recording your dreams, etc. Pluto is finishing up its transit in your Eleventh House, transforming your highest hopes, dreams, wishes, and goals. In this vein, Pluto may be rebuilding your friendships and networks to help you achieve your aims. Consider what you really want out of life, and see yourself having it!
It's the beginning of Revolutionary changes personally and collectively as we begin to feel the winds of change that Pluto in Aquarius will bring to our society until 2044.
We are witnessing a rebirth, a renaissance of our societies and our world as we know it.
As all Planets are now direct until the 20th of April, for the first and only time this year, prepare for complete liberation as the path is clear now to make quantum leaps and make miracles happen.
So much has been changing and shifting. Take pride now, in all the amazing things you have achieved so far, how you’ve surfed the rough waves, only to come through safely and know you will just keep getting better and stronger.
What have you liberated yourself from and what do you need to keep on releasing and letting go in order to move forward?
How have you learned to stay true to your own uniqueness and find freedom within and without?
Have you evolved your power of self-awareness and non-attachment to your thoughts helping you to detach from and release, toxic thoughts, and emotional patterns?
As we learn to practice non-attachment, we can accept what comes allowing it to leave when it’s time. Trusting that what’s meant for us will come to us effortlessly.
How have you awakened to the parts of yourself over the past three years that have been defined by society and the expectations of others and let go of people, beliefs, and situations that you have outgrown that have restricted your true inner freedom and spirit?
Letting go isn’t about having the courage to release the past – it’s about having the wisdom and strength to embrace the present and the person you have evolved too.
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