POSITIVE THINGS You Should Remind Yourself of For a Happier life
Your life is your voice, and what you say about yourself reflects who you are.
Words have creative power in them, what you say about yourself today shapes your tomorrow. If you want to be successful, if you want to be happy, if you want to be healthy, the way to nurture that life is to know you are living a life that is meaningful.
Don’t use your words to describe the situation, use your words to change the situation. If you go around saying things like “I don’t have what it takes” “I’m so gawky” “I can never accomplish that” and “I’m inexperienced” you my friend just ignorantly cursed your future. You should always apprehend that your words are setting the direction for your life. The words you speak become the house you live in.
“Convince yourself every day that you are worthy of a good life. Let go of stress, breathe. Stay positive, all is well.”
When you wake up every morning, do you feel thoughts of negativity? Or do you feel doubts about your success even before the day begins? Most people wake up and sip coffee — “life really is not so bad, I guess.” Meanwhile, I tell myself to start every day with a smile, because it’s another day I’m granted to live.
Here are a few things you can say to design and nurture your future into a very successful one, in spite of diverse challenges.
There is no better day than today.
So yesterday was a bad day, and so was the previous day, you didn’t get that raise you’ve been asking for, and you failed to actualize your resolutions last year.
However today is a new day, another day to make things right, another day to do what you’ve been waiting to do.
Stop dwelling on the past. Go out there and concentrate on your future because your future is going to be beautiful. You haven’t seen the best days of your life, yet.
Face it world, I am the best!
We all fault sometimes, face disappointments, and even get rejected. Bottom line is, no one is perfect. Some of us are not satisfied with the current status right now. Someone needs a body like Dwayne Johnson, rich like Bezos, and handsome as Shawn Mendez.
But we are all unique, we all have different awesome qualities; we just need to discover them and channel them into our everyday life.
Stop comparing yourself with others because you are the best in your own way. Start saying I’m the best every morning and see the positive improvements.
I can achieve my dreams
When you have something you want to achieve before a particular time, the thoughts of failure will constantly cloud your mind. You constantly hear two voices: The first voice will try to put you in disarray, telling you that you don’t have what it takes to make it. However, the other voice that encourages you, and boosts your morale is the voice you should listen to.
Every morning, you need to remind yourself that, you can do anything you want, and become that person you’ve always dreamed of. It just needs perseverance, positivity, and courage.
The opinion of others don’t define me
People are going to look you in the eyes and tell you that you are never going to succeed, but it’s up to you to take your stand.
You failed a promotional exam, despite the fact that you rigorously studied and dedicated your effort to get a good result. Critics and negative words are going to come out of the mouth of individuals, you are surely going to receive insults and disrespect from your peers.
At this point of disappointment here is what to do:
Pace yourself. Don’t be tense, don’t panic, just relax.
Accept setbacks. Fighting only makes the problem escalate.
Go back to your drawing board, and identify what went wrong.
Look at those areas you failed in and try to improve.
Find someone who has gone through that path to share your difficulties with.
And lastly, never feel like giving up, keep on trying until you achieve your dreams.
You have no room for negativity today, so no matter what you’re doing keep your calm, focus on what you do, and don’t let others ruin your mood with their negativity.
Every good thing takes time
So you failed to achieve your goal within the intended time frame? Have you waited so long to get a call up from a company? Or you invested a lot of money into the stock market, but it’s not yielding anything?
Of course, waiting so long for things you’ve always desired can be really disappointing, and most times discouraging leaving thoughts of doubt, anxiety, and fear.
But the cheering news is no matter how long it takes, you are still going to accomplish it. All it takes is positive thinking, dedication, and a little effort.
Everyone else is bad at something
Remember the saying, no one is perfect. It’s not just a saying, it is the truth. No matter how successful and ‘perfect’ you think someone is, he/she also has flaws just like you and me.
Our flaws could discourage us from trying new things, lower our esteem, or make us jittery over things we could effectively do before.
Many people out there have speech disorders including the famous Mr. Bean and Samuel Jackson. But that didn’t make them lose sight of their goals, they kept on going with a relentless attitude. Of course, Mr. Bean was rejected by many directors due to his flaw, nevertheless, he constantly worked on himself, and found areas to improve.
Don’t let your flaw put your back to the ground. Keep on trying, push yourself beyond the limit, ask for help when needed, and always remember that everyone out there is struggling with something.
Final thoughts
Positive speaking isn’t just saying random words to yourself, neither is it memorizing sentences you’ve saved on your notepad — it’s more than that.
When you say these words, you need to be able to believe. Both in the words, you’re saying, and in who you are. It doesn’t matter about your past experiences, what matters is that you are willing to apply the positive words you’re saying to bring about a huge impact — in your life, your family, and in the community.
In Pronouns Matter When Psyching Yourself Up published in the Harvard Business Review, psychology professors and researchers Ozlem Ayduk and Ethan Kross say referring to yourself in the second or third person can make a difference, too.
“We found that cueing people to reflect on intense emotional experiences using their names and non-first-person pronouns such as ‘you’ or ‘he’ or ‘she’ consistently helped them control their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors,” they write.
“For example, in one study we found that participants who silently referred to themselves in the second or third person or used their own names while preparing for a five-minute speech were calmer and more confident and performed better on the task than those who referred to themselves using ‘I’ or ‘me.
Furthermore, positive self-talk and a more optimistic outlook can have other health benefits, including:
greater life satisfaction
improved immune function
reduced pain and anxiety
reduced risk of death
less stress and distress
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